Forums - Coolest/Funniest/Best throw in MvC2 Show all 35 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Coolest/Funniest/Best throw in MvC2 ( Posted by Rock Bottom on 05:18:2001 03:26 PM: Coolest/Funniest/Best throw in MvC2 Hey guyz. Was wonderin' what you guys think the coolest or funniest throw was in MvC2, not talking about damage wise, but just pure fun factor.. seeing it makes you crack up, and your opponent pissed. Hahah. Mine are kobun's "a mouse!" Heh, and Thanos when he grabs you and he then punches you with those huge rocks that come out from the ground, I think that one's awesome. (Sorry if someone else posted this b4.) thanks, pEACE. Posted by 707Represent on 05:18:2001 03:40 PM: Heh i loves sabertooths where he grabs u and smahses you into the ground like 3 times and hes screamin raw raw raw=) Posted by Jinmaster on 05:18:2001 03:52 PM: I kind of like Jug's cuase it looks so painful... but I'm also fond of Shuma's command throw. SPANK!!! Posted by Monkey on 05:18:2001 04:06 PM: I like Felicias, the one where she scraches the other characters face up. Posted by Jakuda on 05:18:2001 04:44 PM: I like SPiral's command throw: the one where she has all six arms out, and waving at her opponent. If she misses, or you somehow do it by accident, you'll be waving those six arms for around three seconds, long enough for anyone to super you. but when you do pull it off, it's all good. You can also link another throw off the first one; they fall right back down into the arms =) (teleporters or dashers can move out of the way) Posted by Eagleclaw on 05:18:2001 05:26 PM: My personal fav is dooms. I mean it short and simple, and yet or so nasty. He grabs you and slams a laser blast right in your face.... goodbye eyebrows Posted by Real Sacred Cow on 05:18:2001 05:32 PM: The best is Servbot's, because just as your about to kick it's ass all over town, your character stops to have this dinky thing pounce on your head. That was comedy the first time I saw it. Posted by nimh on 05:18:2001 05:32 PM: i think mine is prolly dans air throw, the one where he brings out over his shoulder all the way down to the ground *ouch* just feels like it hurts, or i like rolls throw, short and simple, she just chucks you to the ground Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 05:18:2001 07:47 PM: Mags Crotch grab, look carefully Posted by Naslectronical on 05:18:2001 08:01 PM: Magneto's nutcracker throw Rogue's "Get Ready!" Posted by Naslectronical on 05:18:2001 08:04 PM: Oh yeah: Bison-The one where he grabs you and swings you around and throws you over his shoulder like a worthless piece of flesh. Chun-Li-The one where she grabs you by the shoulder and just slams your ass to the ground like you were nothing. Posted by Voodoo on 05:18:2001 08:23 PM: Son Son's "face slapper" is pretty good. Posted by BlackShinobi on 05:18:2001 08:26 PM: Damn fucking cactus punching me in the face WTF well either that or Cable's ass grab move (no one around here ever does that move from the front and it looks kind of suspicious from behind) Posted by X ƒactor on 05:18:2001 08:30 PM: spiral's fp throw: she jumps on you and all six arms beat you into oblivion. its the best! and if you mash you can get 72 damage! and when shes powered up... theres no coming back Posted by Servebot on 05:18:2001 08:36 PM: y favorite is Marrows where she grabs you and all of a sudden, her hand is covered in bone, and she punches you. Its so funny Posted by illusion on 05:18:2001 08:47 PM: i think somebody already mentioned spirals throws...but i like the one where she humps the opponents leg...funny shizzle Posted by SM on 05:18:2001 11:38 PM: My favorite throw is Morrigan's vector drain. Man, when you're up that high and get smashed upside down, head first I just feel for ya. I also like Juggy's throw, where he slams you onto the ground like a worthless sack of shit. I also love catching people in the air with Rogue's "get ready" Posted by Guile2001 on 05:19:2001 12:58 AM: I like Akumas air throw. It looks cool and takes off a lot. Posted by strider_hien on 05:19:2001 02:01 AM: My two favourite are Felicia's throw, and Spiral's throw. It's just funny when you see them grab on, then beat the crap out of your opponent. It's even funnier when you mash, because it seems to last forever, lol. Posted by vipersword on 05:19:2001 02:25 AM: to mee the funniest grab is wolvie's. the one where he grabs u then starts slashing your face on the ground. also the nastiest one to mee is shuma's. the one where he grabs u n sux all your energy. he starts to turn like white or something like he's suckin ur cock! Posted by DannyCat on 05:19:2001 02:56 AM: How about Jin's kick throw and (blockable) special grab? Knocks 'em to the ground and punches them in the face wildly, and running around the edges of the screen is fun, too(combos off S.Short)... Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 05:19:2001 03:34 AM: i like...think psy's is the most retarted because she just tosses them up on the air but my fav's is maybe sabertooth cuz he just mashes their head in da ground but i personaly like...IM cuz he runs then into the wall... Posted by Assist Type on 05:19:2001 03:41 AM: I like Sabretooth's Wild Fang (F, DF, D, DB, B + P). You can OTG after it. Omega Red's powerbomb is pretty cool too Posted by ShoFunaki on 05:19:2001 04:55 AM: I like Sonson's face-slapper and the MUMMY DROP! Posted by Fraptree on 05:19:2001 05:12 AM: Spirals throw rocks. but I get a kick out of Morrigan's vector drain when it misses. Stupid looking animation esp with the funky looking eye. Posted by Ouroborus on 05:19:2001 05:21 AM: BB Hood's throat slit: pure evil Jin's RK face smash: vents out frustration Gambits Stick in the face: also vents out frustration Capcom's Sho/Jennety throw: inovative Shuma Goraths life drain: pisses people off Dans air throw: looks cool Posted by Bruton on 05:19:2001 02:20 PM: The funniest throw by FAR is a specific one... Wolverine punch-throwing Servbot. It looks so damn funny seeing Wolvy trying to balance himself on ServBot while slicing the living s#!t out of him. It's also a little amusing when you do it with Iceman, Venom or Magneto and there's two tonnes of crap on him and yet he still escapes. Thanos's mind throw and Doom's gauntlet blast throw look cool. Posted by kingswift on 05:19:2001 07:36 PM: My Fav is Jins gliding robot fist collision throw. Man he grabs you and drive that ass dead smack into big ass fist: bang! Then gracefully floats backward to cause more explosive damage. Posted by Nobody on 05:19:2001 09:57 PM: I personally think Servbot's throw owns. Just cuz he jumps so high. Especially when he does it to Jugg or Sent. The one that looks like more pleasure than pain is Cammy's Punani throw (the one with the kick) Posted by CaptainCanada on 05:19:2001 10:57 PM: Doom's "Good Bye, Eyebrows," Magneto's "Crystal Shit," and Felecia's "Scratching Post" throws are great, and Strider and Akuma's "HTF did he do that?!" air throws are all worthy contenda's... ...but how come nobody's mentioned CapCom's RK throw? *bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzKICK* And in the entire Street Fighter universe, there isn't one throw that pisses me off more than M. Bison's "DAMMIT HE THREW ME AGAIN!" throw. You all know the one I mean. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:20:2001 03:18 AM: Definitely, and by far, it has to be Sonson's blockable HCB+P throw. She sucks them into a bag and tries to cook them in a big black kettle that appears out of nowhere. Then she blows on the fire, and it blows up in her face. And if you miss, she stands there staring into the bag, like, "WTF do you mean my throw is blockable! Where are they?" -DFA Posted by tortoise on 05:20:2001 06:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Definitely, and by far, it has to be Sonson's blockable HCB+P throw. She sucks them into a bag and tries to cook them in a big black kettle that appears out of nowhere. Then she blows on the fire, and it blows up in her face. And if you miss, she stands there staring into the bag, like, "WTF do you mean my throw is blockable! Where are they?" -DFA If you miss she hits the bottle like "damn piece of crap" Although not really a throw, Servbot's move to send another servbot running at you, jump up, and pleasure you is pretty funny Posted by **?#$!+** on 05:20:2001 06:58 AM: ITS NOT A THROW BUT SERVEBOTS LITTLE FRIEND GRAB AND SUCK IS REALLY FUNNY AGAINST A MEDIUM HEIGHT CHARACHTER. IT LOOKS LIKE SERVEBOT IS YOU KNOW!!! Posted by CharDLiciouse on 05:20:2001 09:58 AM: I like dhalsim's the most yoga yoga yoga punch! Posted by elffzero on 05:20:2001 10:04 AM: DFA hit it on the money.. as far as comedic entertainment goes, son sons HCB throw is hand down #1 i mean it's even funny if she misses.. she stands there banging the jar with a little ? over her head... hehe... some other cool non command throws are BBhood/Jill slit the throat. Zangeif biting the face, and pumping the stomach.. but the best throw command or otherwise has always been the SPD. feared and respected. All times are GMT. The time now is 01:15 AM. Show all 35 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.